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Why does this Using() give me an error?

I am trying to open an (hundreds actually) excel file(s). I open the application but want to use the Using() functionality around each of the workbooks I open. Why is this resulting in an error?

using (Excel.Workbook wbXL = appXL.Workbooks.Open(_sourceFullPath, Type.Missing, Excel.XlFileAccess.xlReadOnly))
    //stuff with wbXL

using gets the red underline and says "'Microsoft.Office.Interop.excel.Workbook':Type used in a using statement must be implicitly convertible to 'System.IDisposable'.

How to make this work?


  • Pretty much what it says - you can only use using with classes that implement IDisposable, so that under the covers the compiler knows which function to call on finalisation - yourclass.Dispose(). The Excel interop classes don't implement this.

    So you've got two choices:

    1. Write your own wrapper class for Excel.Workbook that implements IDispose and either exposes the object itself to call methods on, or wraps those methods too, e.g.

      public class DisposableWorkbook : IDisposable
          private Excel.Workbook _workbook = null;
          public DisposableWorkbook(Excel.Application appXL, String path,
                                    NotSureOfType otherArgument,
                                    Excel.XlFileAccess access)
              _workbook = appXL.Workbooks.Open(path, otherArgument, access);
          public Excel.Workbook Workbook
              get { return _workbook; }
          public void Dispose()
              if (workbook != null)
                  workbook = null;
      using (DisposableWorkbook dwbXL = new DisposableWorkbook(appXL,
                _sourceFullPath, Type.Missing, Excel.XlFileAccess.xlReadOnly))
           Excel.Workbook wbXL = dwbXL.Workbook;
           // stuff with wbXL
    2. Implement using yourself, e.g.

      Excel.Workbook wbXL = null;
          wbxl = appXL.Workbooks.Open(_sourceFullPath, Type.Missing,
          //stuff with wbXL
          if (wbxl != null) wbxl.Close();