I need an Indesign script to add a irregular textframe (polygon) to page and add text content to it. I have so far this code. but it is a regular text frame.
var doc = app.documents.add();
var textFrame = doc.textFrames.add();
textFrame.properties =
geometricBounds : [ 0,0,100,100 ],
strokeWidth : 0,
fillColor : "None",
contents : "Hello World!"
I can also add this polygon but I can't add text to it.
var doc = app.documents.add();
var polygon = doc.polygons.add();
var points = [
polygon.paths.item(0) = points;
thanks for your help!
Not sure if this is an optimal way for your workflow but it can be done this clumsy way:
var doc = app.documents.add();
var polygon = doc.polygons.add();
var points = [
// [100,100], // this point doesn't need, since a polygon is a closed path
polygon.paths[0].entirePath = points;
polygon.contentType = ContentType.TEXT_TYPE; // convert the polygon into a text frame
var poly_textFrame = doc.textFrames.lastItem(); // get the last text frame
poly_textFrame.contents = 'Hello World!'; // change contents of the frame
The problem of this approach is that I'm not sure if the new text frame is always a last item within of the text frames collection. It needs to be tested in vivo.