I can't find any examples when you want the user to input at least x number of characters in a textarea. There is no max length, only minimum. Is there any simple solutions to this?
This is what I have now.
A simple textarea
<textarea id="textComment" name="comment" ></textarea>
Div area showing x characters remaining to write
<div>Characters left <span id="charsLeft"></span></div>
If possible, disable post button until x characters reached.
<button onclick="frmComment.submit();return false;">Add comment</button>
You can change the minimum length on textarea element => data-minLength="10"
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#textComment").on("keyup", function(){
var minLength = $(this).attr("data-minlength");
var currentLength = $(this).val().length;
var remaining = parseInt(minLength) - parseInt(currentLength)
$("#charsLeft").text((remaining < 0 ? 0: remaining));
if (parseInt(currentLength) < parseInt(minLength))
$("#commentBtn").prop("disabled", true);
} else{
$("#commentBtn").prop("disabled", false);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<textarea id="textComment" data-minLength="10" name="comment" ></textarea>
<div>Characters left: <span id="charsLeft"></span></div>
<button id="commentBtn" disabled onclick="frmComment.submit();return false;">Add comment</button>