we are getting the ZoneId object by passing the id string -> ZoneId.of("US/Alaska")
While getting the timezone ids from java after passing the location name, we get error that "Exception in thread "main" java.time.zone.ZoneRulesException: Unknown time-zone ID: EST"
We get this exception for multiple location like -> EST, America/Argentina, America/Indiana, America/Kentucky, America/North_Dakota
What is the best way to handle such cases? is it good idea to get the ZoneId object by passing location Id?
You should specify cities not countries (most of them are cities), for example which city of Argentina?
A list of valid Java timezones can be found here (refer to the comments for better reference):
In order to get all available zone ids:
Set<String> zoneIds = ZoneId.getAvailableZoneIds();
System.out.println("Available Zone Ids: \n" + String.join("\n", zoneIds));