I am learning Zabbix. I would like to use CurlHttpRequest() and all these functions:
I can't find the documentation (what's going on inside). I would like to run a JavaScript script on my computer. How can I do that? I have a problem that even this simple line of code is undefined:
var req = new CurlHttpRequest();
While you are configuring javascript in zabbix media types, you have an option to test the script.
var response,
params = JSON.parse(value),
wurl = params.URL,
msg = params.Message,
request = new CurlHttpRequest();
json_payload = '{"attachments": [{"text": "' + msg + '"}] }';
Zabbix.Log(4, '[ cURL-log ] Sending request: ');
request.AddHeader('Content-Type: application/json');
response = request.Post(wurl, json_payload);
Zabbix.Log(4, '[ cURL-log ] Received response with status code ' + request.Status() + '\n' + response);
you cab use Zabbix.Log to generate logs like console.log in javascript.