In my activity, I have multiple variables being initiated from Intent Extras. As of now I am using ViewModelFactory to pass these variables as arguments to my viewModel.
How do I eliminate the need for ViewModelFacotory with hilt
Here are two variables in my Activity class
class CommentsActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private lateinit var viewModel: CommentsViewModel
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val contentId = intent.getStringExtra(CONTENT_ID_FIELD) //nullable strings
val highlightedCommentId = intent.getStringExtra(HIGHLIGHTED_COMMENT_ID_RF) //nullable strings
val commentsViewModelFactory = CommentsViewModelFactory(
viewModel = ViewModelProvider(this, commentsViewModelFactory[]
Here is my viewModel
class CommentsViewMode(
contentId : String?,
highlightedCo;mmentId : String?,
) : ViewModel() {
//logic code here
My app is already set up to use hilt but in this case How can I pass these 2 variables and eliminate the viewModelFactory entirely
The trick is to initialize those variables only once, while the activity can be created multiple times. In my apps, I use a flag.
View model:
class CommentsViewModel : ViewModel() {
private var initialized = false
private var contentId : String? = null
private var highlightedCommentId : String? = null
fun initialize(contentId : String?, highlightedCommentId : String?) {
if (!initialized) {
initialized = true
this.contentId = contentId
this.highlightedCommentId = highlightedCommentId
//logic code here
Also, you should know that there is an open issue in dagger project exactly for this capability:
You're welcome to follow the progress.