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Should a partition be detached before dropping?

I'm using PostgreSQL 12, in which there is a partitioned table. This table has old partitions that need to be deleted. I've seen the code where the old partitions are firstly detached and only then dropped:

ALTER TABLE partitioned_table DETACH PARTITION partitioned_table_1;
DROP TABLE partitioned_table_1;

Is there any reason to detach a partition before dropping? Does just dropping a partition without detaching impact on other queries to a database?


  • from the manual.

    • DROP TABLE partitioned_table_1; means drop table. ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock on the parent table.

    • ALTER TABLE partitioned_table DETACH PARTITION partitioned_table_1; means that partitioned_table_1 will still exists. ACCESS EXCLUSIVE lock on the parent table

    The detached partition continues to exist as a standalone table, but no longer has any ties to the table from which it was detached.

    In postgresql 14, DETACH PARTITION partitioned_table_1 CONCURRENTLY SHARE UPDATE EXCLUSIVE lock on the parent table. more info: