I'm using RxHttpClient to make requests and return Single using .firstOrError(). I then subscribe to it to get the result. In order to dispose of that subscription, I used a CompositeDisposable like in the example below.
Is there some other way to do this that doesn't require so much boilerplate? Do I need to do this at all in the current situation?
This code is in an API that needs to make a request to another API to validate some data.
single = httpClient.retrieve(HttpRequest.POST("/endpoint", request), ResultDto.class)
CompositeDisposable cd = new CompositeDisposable();
Disposable d = single.subscribe(result -> {
// ...
}, error -> {
Pretty much all of this is necessary, assuming you don't actually create CompositeDisposable
like that and then throw it away.
You can save cd.add(d);
and perhaps Disposable d=
with RxJava 3 if you supply cd
as the third parameter to subscribe