I want to find application version code in Kmm. In specific platform i.e.
var versionCode = BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE
it will return 1.1
let appVersion = "iOS " + (Bundle.main.versionNumber ?? "")
it will return 1.1
How can I do in Kmm in specific platform?
I tried expect/actual but I am getting some error.
expect class Platform() {
val versionCode: String
actual class Platform actual constructor() {
actual val versionCode =
Error on iOS side
actual class Platform actual constructor() {
actual val versionCode = BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE
Error on android side
KMM doesn't have some built in support for such feature.
One option is to create an expect
function and apply platform-specific code in actual
for each platform.
I used to sync app version with module version, but if you can't do that, you can create Platform
in your app module and pass it to your common module:
Common main:
expect class Platform { // remove constructor here
val versionCode: String
Android main:
actual class Platform(actual val versionCode: String)
Then in app module you just create it Platform(BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE.toString())
and pass it into your shared module depending on your architecture.
Another option is to use BuildKonfig plugin: it will generate a configuration file like the Android plugin does, depending on what you specify in the build.gradle
buildkonfig {
packageName = "com.example.app"
defaultConfigs {
buildConfigField(STRING, "VERSION_CODE", "1.0")