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pythondiscord - When a button is pressed it sends a message

I have been trying to make a python discord bot that sends an embedded message with interactive buttons underneath. So far it looks like this:

enter image description here

I'm not sure how to make the buttons respond though. When you click the button, it just says, "This Interaction Failed"

Here's my code:

async def question(ctx):
    await ctx.message.delete()
    e = discord.Embed(title="TRIVIA QUESTION", description="When did the dinosours become extinct?")
    await ctx.send(embed=e, content="", components=[Button(, label="60 million years ago", custom_id="button1", disabled = True), Button(, label="65 million years ago", custom_id="button2")])


Looking at the documentation commented by hYg-Cain ( I put this line in my code:

res = await bot.wait_for("button_click", timeout=10)

This waits for the user to click a button and then this:

if res.custom_id == "button1":
            await ctx.send("You got it right. ")

Means if the button pressed had an id of button1 it sent a message.


  • I think you'd have to write a check function to get the ID of the button clicked and then handle it via if/else stuff

    def check_button(i: discord.Interaction, button):
            return == and i.message == msg
    async def question(ctx):
        await ctx.message.delete()
        e = discord.Embed(title="TRIVIA QUESTION", description="When did the dinosours become extinct?")
        msg = await ctx.send(embed=e, content="", components=[Button(, label="60 million years ago", custom_id="button1", disabled = True), Button(, label="65 million years ago", custom_id="button2")])
       interaction, button = await client.wait_for('button_click', check=check_button)    
       if button.custom_id == "button1":
           # do stuff
       elif button.custom_id == "button2":
           # do other stuff
           # how did we get here

    however, maybe it is easier to implement this as select option