I'm trying to set a const of my state but it seems that don't work when a few days ago it worked.
I call the setter in a function like this:
const [activeMarker, setActiveMarker] = useState(null);
const handleActiveMarker = (marker) => {
if (marker === activeMarker) {
console.log(marker, '--', activeMarker)
That is called in
{markers.map(({ id, latitud, longitud}) => (
position={{lat: latitud, lng: longitud}}
onClick={() => handleActiveMarker(id) }
The attribute markers is an array of markers and it's printed well in my map, but when I click, in console.log of my handler I get the id of marker and null in activeMarker where it has to appear the same number.
Remember useState is asynchronous so it will not update straight away. To get the console.log value to log your value you should add a useEffect.
useEffect(() => {