am working on a project where I need to add a list of children(including their details) in a database table... but before the user sends the details I need to see that list, the maximum is 7 children. I have created a list and an add action but I cant add the child details to the list. using codename one I have,
public void childscreen()
/*-------DETAILS TAKEN HERE------*/
Form regscreen = new Form("Fill Childs details");
TableLayout tl;
int spanButton = 2;
if(Display.getInstance().isTablet()) {
tl = new TableLayout(7, 2);
} else {
tl = new TableLayout(14, 1);
spanButton = 1;
regscreen.addComponent(new Label("First Name"));
TextField txtname = new TextField();
regscreen.addComponent(new Label("Middle Name"));
TextField txtname2 = new TextField();
regscreen.addComponent(new Label("Surname"));
TextField txtname3 = new TextField();
regscreen.addComponent(new Label("Birth Certificate/Notification No"));
TextField txtbirth = new TextField();
// txtidno.setConstraint(TextArea.NUMERIC);
regscreen.addComponent(new Label("Date of Birth"));
PickerComponent date = PickerComponent.createDate(new Date());
Button btnadd = new Button("Add");
TableLayout.Constraint cn = tl.createConstraint();
regscreen.addComponent(cn, btnadd);
Validator v = new Validator();
v.addConstraint(txtname, new LengthConstraint(3)).
addConstraint(txtname2, new LengthConstraint(3,"Enter Middle Name")).
addConstraint(txtname3, new LengthConstraint(3)).
addConstraint(txtbirth, new LengthConstraint(10)).
addConstraint(txtbirth, new LengthConstraint(4));
// addConstraint(txtname2, new RegexConstraint("txtname2", "Must be valid phone number"));
/*-------DETAILS TAKEN HERE------*/
Form watoto=new Form("CHILDREN DETAILS", new BorderLayout());
Container list=new Container(BoxLayout.y());
for(int inter=1; inter<=7; inter++)
MultiButton mb=new MultiButton("Child Details "+inter);
mb.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
watoto.add(CENTER, list);;
any help thanks in advance
You have two separate forms. Both work. But it seems you're recreating the child list form every time so you're getting back to it and it's empty because it's a new form.
The child list form needs to be in a wider scope than the add child form. A simple way to do it is to pass watoto
to the add child form and when a child is added invoke a method to show back.
But this alone won't solve your problem. You need to separate the data from the view. Right now you don't have a "concept" of children in your system. You only have buttons and UI elements. These should be separated.