I am following some tutorials on youtube, he is showing data succesfully but it is hard coded data, and I want to take data from backend. Data is coming successfully(I see it on console with console.log) but I could not show in table.
Here is my code:
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import * as ReactBootStrap from 'react-bootstrap';
import * as service from '../service/FetchCustomerService';
function MainPanel() {
const [customers, setCustomers] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
const fetchPostList = async () => {
const response = await service.getCustomerList();
setCustomers({ response });
}, [setCustomers]);
return (
<ReactBootStrap.Table striped bordered hover>
{customers &&
customers.map((item) => (
<tr key={item.id}>
export default MainPanel;
Here is async service method to get data:
export async function getCustomerList() {
return axios.get("http://localhost:8080/customer/list");
Backend is returning 5 data in a list successfully but I could not show it on table. In example console output is that first printing the list successfully and then
Uncaught TypeError: customers.map is not a function
at MainPanel (MainPanel.js:29:1)
at renderWithHooks (react-dom.development.js:16141:1)
at updateFunctionComponent (react-dom.development.js:20313:1)
at beginWork (react-dom.development.js:22356:1)
at HTMLUnknownElement.callCallback (react-dom.development.js:4157:1)
at Object.invokeGuardedCallbackDev (react-dom.development.js:4206:1)
at invokeGuardedCallback (react-dom.development.js:4270:1)
at beginWork$1 (react-dom.development.js:27243:1)
at performUnitOfWork (react-dom.development.js:26392:1)
at workLoopSync (react-dom.development.js:26303:1)
How can I show the data ?
You can get result from API by response.data
when using axios
You don't need to add setCustomers
(React setState
function) because it is created by useState
According to React documentation,
React guarantees that setState function identity is stable and won’t change on re-renders. This is why it’s safe to omit from the useEffect or useCallback dependency list.
useEffect(() => {
const fetchPostList = async () => {
const response = await service.getCustomerList();
}, []);