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React/Typescript error when adding promise to a function?

I am using the following function from useWagmi to write a transaction to an ethereum contract:

const [{ data, error, loading }, write] = useContractWrite(
      addressOrName: 'Address',
      contractInterface: Interface,
      args: [thirdHashRef.current],

This has worked perfectly. However, I want to return the transaction response after the transaction is sent - I followed the documentation and added a promise to the end of the transaction:

const [{ data, error, loading }, write] = useContractWrite(
      addressOrName: 'Address',
      contractInterface: Interface,
      args: [hashRef.current],
  )=> Promise<{ data?: TransactionResponse, error?: Error }> **Added this**

And am calling the function here:

async function handleSubmit() {
    await cleanEntries()
      .then(() => { write() })
      .then((data) => { console.log(data.TransactionResponse) })

However, now I am getting the following errors:

Operator '<' cannot be applied to types 'PromiseConstructor' and '{ data: any; error: ErrorConstructor; }'.ts(2365)

Operator '>' cannot be applied to types 'boolean' and '() => Promise<void>'.ts(2365)

How can I fix this?


  • The documentation you mention says this:

    Return Values


      config: {
        args: any | any[]
        overrides?: Overrides
      } = {},
    ) => Promise<{ data?: TransactionResponse; error?: Error }>

    That documentation is not telling you to write that code, it's just showing you the arguments and the type of the return value. This is a fragment of a function declaration where the part after the => is the return type of the function. This is written by the library author, and you don't need to add it.

    So the write function returned by useContractWrite already returns a promise, all you have to do is use it. You don't need to add any special syntax.

    const [{ data, error, loading }, write] = useContractWrite(/* ... */)
    write().then(() => console.log('promise resolved'))
