I have an div element with the id 'he' and its css properties are position: fixed;
and left: 0;
var dief = document.getElementById('he');
//this gets a random value within the dimensions of the page so that the object does not move
var mh = Math.floor(Math.random() * window.innerHeight);
//this should set the transition to be mh/50, but it does not apply
dief.style.transition = "transition: left "+mh/50+"s linear;";
//this sets the position
dief.style.left = mh+"px";
You dont need the 'transition' property and the semicolon in the style attributes.
dief.style.transition = "left "+mh/50+"s linear";
Take a look: https://www.w3schools.com/jsref/prop_style_transition.asp