I am trying to convert the below traditional for loop in Java 8. I tried iterating over the loop using stream's forEach and used a filter for contains check but I am unable to understand how to make a call to extractForDate()
method and return the value. Please can you assist with the approach?
for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
if (lines[i].contains(FOR_DATE)) {
String regex = "regex expression";
forDate = extractForDate(lines[i], regex);
java.sql.Date sd = new java.sql.Date(forDate.getTime())
Below is the method implementation.
private static Date extractForDate(String Line, string regex) {
Matcher m = Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(line);
Date startDate = null,
if (m.find()) {
try {
startDate = new SimpleDateFormat("Mddyyyy").parse(m.group(1));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return startDate;
To convert your traditional loop to a stream, you just need to break it into steps and convert them to their corresponding stream operation. In your case: filtering, mapping, collecting.
Your code can be re-written like so:
List<Date> listDates = Arrays.stream(lines)
.filter(line -> line.contains(FOR_DATE))
.map(line -> extractForDate(line, regex))