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maven-dependeny-plugin 3.2.0 downloading struts 1.3.8

We are using the maven-dependency-plugin to get a ZIP from our nexus for later use. We do this cause it's the easiest way to download from our protected nexus using the integrated maven-user handling.

When using the maven-dependency-plugin it downloads Struts 1.3.8 as Dependency.

In older versions of the plugin this is normal, as it is a transitive dependency of the plugin:

In the current version it has been removed: This was accomplished by an update from org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:jar:1.9 to org.apache.maven.doxia:doxia-site-renderer:jar:1.9.2 (1.9.2 excludes the struts dependency)

Still the usage of the plugin downloads struts and I can't figure out why.

I tried with the latest Maven (3.8.3) and narrowed it down to a simple command:

mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.2.0:get -DgroupId=commons-lang -DartifactId=commons-lang -Dversion=2.6 -Dmaven.repo.local=repo

That downloads an old commons-lang dependency using "repo" as repository folder. If you check the download logs or the folder it will contain "org/apache/struts/....".

I also tested with an simple pom.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""






You can try "mvn clean verify" to run this. That results in the same problem. I updated the "site" plugin because it also had an struts dependency in the older version.

I also tried to check the plugin-dependencies by using: mvn dependency:resolve-plugins

That doesn't give me any struts dependencies. Still some part of maven seems to need them. They are gone, if I remove the maven-dependency-plugin.

How can I get rid of all the (outdated and unneeded) struts-dependencies?


  • An update to maven-dependency-plugin 3.3.0 seems to fix the issue.

    When executing mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:3.3.0:get -DgroupId=commons-lang -DartifactId=commons-lang -Dversion=2.6 -Dmaven.repo.local=repo I don't get a struts dependencies in the repo folder.