Am trying to capture from below json response, the ghi[0]
element which is x
and assign it to a variable in my BDD in gherkin/cucumber language but it is complaining it can't read property.
This is how am capturing:
* def xyz =
"results": {
"payload": {
"abc": [
"def": [
"ghi": "x",
"ghi": "y",
"ghi": "y",
This is what its complaining:
features.blah: [1.1:50] blah.feature:30 - evaluation (js) failed:, javax.script.ScriptException: TypeError: Cannot read property "ghi" from undefined in <eval> at line number 1
That's because your access is wrong. This below works:
* def xyz =[0].def[0].ghi
* match xyz == 'x'
That said, if you are lazy to traverse deeply nested data, you can do this:
* def xyz = get[0] $..ghi
* match xyz == 'x'
Please read the docs, it will save you time :)