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How to append to a previous state array while executing an arrow function inside setState?

I am trying to append file(s) to previous file state when drag and dropping image(s) to React-Dropzone library.

 const [files, setFiles] = useState([])

const { 
    } = useDropzone({
        accept: "image/*",
        onDrop: (acceptedFiles) => {
           setFiles( => Object.assign(file, {
                preview: URL.createObjectURL(file)

In the "onDrop", I map the accepted files and append the new array using setFiles. However, using this resets the whole array and previous images are lost. I want to append the images. I've tried doing:

setFiles([...files, => Object.assign(file, {
                preview: URL.createObjectURL(file)

But this returns nothing and gives me no images at all.


  • When appending to an array in React state it can be very convenient to use the functional update form of useState - which is just a fancy way of saying you'll write an arrow function like this:

       setFiles((oldArrayofFiles) => {
         return [...oldArrayOfFiles, newFile];

    This also prevents the problem that I think you're seeing, where because you supply onDrop as a function, you're closing over the files when it's still an empty array. So in your case (and forgive me, I haven't tested this with React-Dropzone) this should work:

      accept: "image/*",
      onDrop: (acceptedFiles) => {
        setFiles((previousFiles) => {
          const newFiles = => Object.assign(file, {
            preview: URL.createObjectURL(file)
          return [...previousFiles, ...newFiles];

    I might have messed up a bracket or three ... but you get the idea :-)