What I have is some kind of object, structure is unknown to me beforehand, and I also receive the key (in the string form) for some value that I need, that is contained inside that object. The problem arises when the value I need is nested inside an array.
let someObject = {
nonProblematicValue: "all good",
arrayOfValues: ["can't touch this"]
let keyThatWorks = "nonProblematicValue";
let keyThatDoesNotWork = "arrayOfValues[0]"
I've tried
someObject[keyThatDoesNotWork] //undefined
someObject.[keyThatDoesNotWork] //undefined
I know that it could be done using eval, but that is not an option because of the server setup.
You can use Lodash#get:
let someObject = {
nonProblematicValue: "all good",
arrayOfValues: ["can't touch this"]
let keyThatDoesNotWork = "arrayOfValues[0]"
console.log(_.get(someObject, keyThatDoesNotWork))
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/lodash@4.17.21/lodash.min.js"></script>