How to get the latest documents from a collection using date time?
I have searched in SO for this specific problem, but couldn't find an example that is similar to my data structure. I have this kind of data structure:
stationId: 'xxxxx',
stationName: 'xxxx',
state: 'xxxx',
lat: 'xxxxx',
long: 'xx.xxxxx',
waterLevel: [
wlDateTime: '11/04/2022 11:30',
wlSeverity: 'Danger',
wlLevel: 7.5
wlDateTime: '11/04/2022 09:00',
wlSeverity: 'Danger',
wlLevel: 7.3
wlDateTime: '11/04/2022 03:00',
wlSeverity: 'Normal',
wlLevel: 5.2
rainfallData: [
rfDateTime: '11/04/2022 11:30',
rfSeverity: 'Heavy',
rfLevel: 21
rfDateTime: '11/04/2022 10:30',
rfSeverity: 'Heavy',
rfLevel: 21
rfDateTime: '11/04/2022 9:30',
rfSeverity: 'Heavy',
rfLevel: 21
The question is, how can I get documents that have wlDateTime
equal today, with wlSeverity
equal to Danger
, but I just want the latest record from the waterLevel
array. The same case with the rainfallData
array i.e. to return with the latest reading for today.
Sample expected return will be like this:
stationId: 'xxxxx',
stationName: 'xxxx',
state: 'xxxx',
lat: 'xxxxx',
long: 'xx.xxxxx',
waterLevelData: [
wlDateTime: '11/04/2022 11:30', //latest data compared to the array
wlSeverity: 'Danger',
wlLevel: 7.5
rainfallData: [
rfDateTime: '11/04/2022 11:30', //latest data compared to the array
rfSeverity: 'Heavy',
rfLevel: 21
I've tried querying it like this:
Meteor.publish('Alerts', function(){
return AlertLatest.find({
}, {
fields : {
'stationName' : 1,
'state' : 1,
'lat' : 1,
'long' : 1,
'waterLevelData.wlDateTime' : 1,
'waterLevelData.wlSeverity' : 1,
'waterLevelData.wlLevel' : 1,
'rainfallData.rfSeverity' : 1,
}},{sort: { 'waterLevelData.wlDateTime' : -1}});
but the query returned data that isn't how I wanted. Any help will be much appreciated.
I've tried the solution provided by @YuTing, which is using aggregate to customise the publication query. I went ahead and read a bit about Mongodb Aggregation, and found a Meteorjs community package (tunguska:reactive-aggregate) which simplifies the process.
This is the sample of a working aggregation so far:
Meteor.publish('PIBDataAlerts', function(){
const start = dayjs().startOf('day'); // set to 12:00 am today
const end = dayjs().endOf('day'); // set to 23:59 pm today
ReactiveAggregate(this, PIBLatest, [
$match: {
'stationStatus' : 'ON',
'waterLevelData': { //trying to get only today's docs
"$elemMatch" : {
"wlDateTime" : {
$gte: start.format() , $lt: end.format()
$set: {
waterLevelHFZ: {
$filter: {
input: "$waterLevelData",
as: "w",
cond: {
$and: [
{ $or : [
{ $eq: [ "$$w.wlSeverity", "Alert" ] },
{ $eq: [ "$$w.wlSeverity", "Warning" ] },
{ $eq: [ "$$w.wlSeverity", "Danger" ] },
{ $eq: [ "$$w.wlDateTime", { $max: "$waterLevelData.wlDateTime" } ] }
rainfallDataHFZ: {
$filter: {
input: "$rainfallData",
as: "r",
cond: { $eq: [ "$$r.rfDateTime", { $max: "$rainfallData.rfDateTime" } ] }
$project : {
"stationId": 1,
"stationName" :1,
"state": 1,
"waterLevelHFZ": 1,
"rainfallDataHFZ": 1
I'm struggling to get documents that only have the wlDateTime
that equals today. I've tried a query in the $match
but it returned empty array. If the $match
is set to {}
, it'll return all 1548 records even though the wlDateTime
is not equals to today.
$match: {
$expr: {
$or: [
$ne: [
$filter: {
input: "$waterLevel",
as: "w",
cond: {
$eq: [
$dateTrunc: {
date: {
$dateFromString: {
dateString: "$$w.wlDateTime",
format: "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"
unit: "day"
$dateTrunc: {
date: "$$NOW",
unit: "day"
$ne: [
$filter: {
input: "$rainfallData",
as: "r",
cond: {
$eq: [
$dateTrunc: {
date: {
$dateFromString: {
dateString: "$$r.rfDateTime",
format: "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"
unit: "day"
$dateTrunc: {
date: "$$NOW",
unit: "day"
$set: {
waterLevel: {
$map: {
input: "$waterLevel",
as: "w",
in: {
$mergeObjects: [
wlDateTime: {
$dateFromString: {
dateString: "$$w.wlDateTime",
format: "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"
rainfallData: {
$map: {
input: "$rainfallData",
as: "r",
in: {
$mergeObjects: [
rfDateTime: {
$dateFromString: {
dateString: "$$r.rfDateTime",
format: "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"
$set: {
waterLevel: {
$filter: {
input: "$waterLevel",
as: "w",
cond: {
$and: [
$in: [
$eq: [
$max: "$waterLevel.wlDateTime"
$eq: [
$dateTrunc: {
date: "$$w.wlDateTime",
unit: "day"
$dateTrunc: {
date: "$$NOW",
unit: "day"
rainfallData: {
$filter: {
input: "$rainfallData",
as: "r",
cond: {
$and: [
$eq: [
$max: "$rainfallData.rfDateTime"
$eq: [
$dateTrunc: {
date: "$$r.rfDateTime",
unit: "day"
$dateTrunc: {
date: "$$NOW",
unit: "day"