How can I change the environment variable RUN TIME? Using Login PAGE I am selecting Development or Production. Based on that I have to use my ConnectionString device specifically.
"ConnectionStrings": {
Here are my LoginServices.CS file
public class LoginService: ILoginService
private readonly string _connectionString = string.Empty;
private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;
public LoginService (IConfiguration configuration)
_configuration = configuration;
//If ADMIN SELECT Development
_connectionString = _configuration.GetConnectionString("PROJECTNAME_Development");
//If ADMIN SELECT Production
_connectionString = _configuration.GetConnectionString("PROJECTNAME_Production");
UPDATE 1 I tried this code. It works fine but is there any other way like at one location I make a change and Environment Variable value gets updated.
My Controller
public IActionResult Login(LoginModel model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
model.DevelopmentServer = "Development";
// model.DevelopmentServer = "Production";
var Result = ILoginService.AdminLogin(model);
public LoginService(IConfiguration configuration, IOptions<ConnectionStringDetails> connectionStrings)
_proDBCon = connectionStrings.Value.PROJECTNAME_Development;
_proDBConProduction = connectionStrings.Value.PROJECTNAME_Production;
In the same file LoginService.cs File
public LoginInfo AdminLogin(LoginModel model)
if (model.DevelopmentServer == "Development") {
_connectionString = _proDBCon;
else {
_connectionString = _proDBConProduction;
Assuming that you need to switch between two databases from UI at any cost, you won't be able to complete it entirely using containers/injections. You have to use the value passed from UI to determine which database connection string should be used.
public class LoginService {
// ...
private string GetConnectionString(string connectionStringNameFromUi){
return _configuration.GetConnectionString
Meanwhile, I would consider deploying two separate instances of an application, one configured for dev and another for prod. In such way, you would get more out of the box (injections container and environment configuration).