Guys I'm working on one of my own projects, and I'm using
nativescript 8.2.1 along with angular 13.2.0
I had some weird issue that is when we run the project using the following command
"ns run android"
application getting compiled and running on emulator fine.
but if I build to production and run it on an emulator I can only see a blank screen or white screen, here is the command used for that
"ns run android --clean --release --key-store-path "PATH/my-release-key.keystore" --key-store-password myPass --key-store-alias myAlias --key-store-alias-password myPass"
This is what my root route looks like, redirection to home route is not working. but I tested if I add a button to app.component.html then I can see that button on the emulator screen. but routing is not working
This issue is caused when we only build with --release command otherwise debug mode it's working fine.
need your help on this
After spending multiple days of debugging, I finally, figure out the reason why the production build screen is getting frozen.
This is happening due to Firebase
I configure the firebase to my app referring through Nativescript version 8 documentation, here is the configuration that I have did
npm install @nativescript/firebase-firestore
//importing firebase modules
import { firebase } from "@nativescript/firebase-core";
import "@nativescript/firebase-firestore";
//Initialize firebase as per nativescript documentation
await firebase().initializeApp();
in debug mode, this is working fine without any issue, but the production release builds it's not working.
For resolve this issue. I used a different firebase package. here is the documentation link
if you are NativeScript 7+:
tns plugin add @nativescript/firebase
for NativeScript 6:
tns plugin add nativescript-plugin-firebase