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Converting Object to string in Powershell

Can anyone provide some help please. I have JSON script where my datapath and file names are stored. However, in Powershell, I am able to get the path in the string format but the filename is in array. I am expecting the output to be, for eample C:\Dep\reports\P1.sql C:\Dep\reports\P2.sql C:\Dep\reports\P3.sql

enter image description here


$ReportConfiguration = Get-Content -path  "C:\Users\asingh\Documents\PowerShell Scripts\JSON\stackOverflow.json" | ConvertFrom-JSon

$ReportFolders = @($ReportConfiguration.ReportScripts | Get-Member -Type NoteProperty).Name
$reportPath = $ReportConfiguration.ReportScripts.ReportFiles.Location

foreach($folder in $ReportFolders)
    #Display folder name
    Write-Host  $folder -ForegroundColor Green
    $subReportsFolders = @($ReportConfiguration.ReportScripts.$folder | Get-Member -Type NoteProperty).Name
    write-host "No. of subFolders = " $subReportsFolders.Count
    Write-Host "subfolder:  "  $subReportsFolders 
    for ($ReportCount = 0 ; $ReportCount -le $QueryCount.Count ; $ReportCount++)
          $ReportPath + $folder + $ReportConfiguration.ReportScripts.$folder[$ReportCount]        

    Write-Host(" `n" )

            "Location": "C:\\Dep\\Test\\"
            "Schema_File" : "S1.sql",
            "Proc_File": "P1.sql"
            "Schema_File" : "S2.sql",
            "Proc_File": "P2.sql"


  • ##clear host 
    $ReportConfiguration = Get-Content -path  "C:\Users\asingh\Documents\PowerShell Scripts\JSON\stackOverflow.json" | ConvertFrom-JSon
    $ReportFolders = @($ReportConfiguration.ReportScripts | Get-Member -Type NoteProperty).Name
    $reportPath = $ReportConfiguration.ReportScripts.ReportFiles.Location
    foreach($folder in $ReportFolders)
        #Display folder name
        Write-Host  $folder -ForegroundColor Green
        $subReportsFolders = @($ReportConfiguration.ReportScripts.$folder | Get-Member -Type NoteProperty).Name
        write-host "No. of subFolders = " $subReportsFolders.Count
        Write-Host "subfolder:  "  $subReportsFolders 
        for ($ReportCount = 0 ; $ReportCount -le $QueryCount.Count ; $ReportCount++)
              $ReportPath + $folder + $ReportConfiguration.ReportScripts.$folder[$ReportCount]        
    # Here is the fix
    "C:\test\" + $ReportConfiguration.ReportScripts.$folder.Proc_File
    "C:\test\" + $ReportConfiguration.ReportScripts.$folder.Schema_File
    Write-Host(" `n" )