I am new to Java, programming, and Anylogic. I want to calculate “sowsInSystem” variable as a sum of all the weekOne, weekTwo, etc. variables. I know that the value in the Initial Value field of the individual variables is calculated at the start of the model only and won’t update automatically, so I am attempting to write and then call a function (getSowNumbers) that will give me the sum of all the individual variables in a new cumulative variable (sowsInSystem) that updates as the model progresses.
Thank you.
An easy solution to this is to use an Event. You'll want to set the event's trigger type to "Timeout" and mode to "Cyclic". Then, in the event's action, simply write:
sowsInSystem = getSowNumbers();
With this method, "sowsInSystem" is updated every time the event triggers. You can set the cycle time to be 1 second, 1 day, 1 week, or whatever you need it to be. However, I would recommend against setting the cycle time to be unreasonably small (like 1 millisecond) as this will cause many unnecessary computations and slow down your model.