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Wrong Office version and Operating system in vba Excel

I am running this code in VBA Excel 365 using Windows 11

Sub test()
Dim sBuild As String, sOP As String, sVersion As String

sBuild = Application.Build
sOP = Application.OperatingSystem
sVersion = Application.Version
MsgBox "Operating System " & sOP & " with Office version " & sVersion & " Build " & sBuild

End Sub

However, I get this message "Operating System Windows (64-bit) NT 10.00 with Office version 16.0 Build 15028"

The properties Application.Version and Application.OperatingSystem shows the same results as if I was running in Excel 2016 and using Windows 10.

Any suggestion to get the real Office and Windows version?

Thank you.



  • This link in the comment above works fine for Office (Check the application version in modern office).

    I use this for Windows:

    Function GetWindowsInfo() As String
      Dim oShell As Object
      Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
      Dim RegKeyProduct As String
      RegKeyProduct = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProductName"
      Dim ProductName As String
      ProductName = oShell.RegRead(RegKeyProduct)
      Dim VersionBuildNumbers(1 To 4) As Variant
      Dim RegKeyMajor As String
      RegKeyMajor = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\CurrentMajorVersionNumber"
      VersionBuildNumbers(1) = oShell.RegRead(RegKeyMajor)
      Dim RegKeyMinor As String
      RegKeyMinor = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\CurrentMinorVersionNumber"
      VersionBuildNumbers(2) = oShell.RegRead(RegKeyMinor)
      Dim RegKeyBuild As String
      RegKeyBuild = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\CurrentBuildNumber"
      VersionBuildNumbers(3) = oShell.RegRead(RegKeyBuild)
      If VersionBuildNumbers(3) >= 22000 Then
        ProductName = Replace(ProductName, "10", "11")
      End If
      Dim RegKeyUBR As String
      RegKeyUBR = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\UBR"
      VersionBuildNumbers(4) = oShell.RegRead(RegKeyUBR)
      Dim BuildNumber As String
      BuildNumber = oShell.RegRead(RegKeyBuild) & "." & oShell.RegRead(RegKeyUBR)
      Dim Bitness As String
      Bitness = "32-bit"
      If Len(Environ("PROGRAMFILES(x86)")) Then Bitness = "64-bit"
      GetWindowsInfo = "Microsoft " & ProductName & " (" & Join(VersionBuildNumbers, ".") & ") " & Bitness
    End Function