I am looking to leverage WebSockets. I will expose the WebSockets and different client applications will be able to listen to notifications via these WebSockets.
I am planning to use STOMP, but my clients have different preferences as their applications are already using different sub-protocols. I was wondering if there is any cross support available from one subprotocol to another?
In short, no. WAMP and STOMP are not compatible with each other.
The STOMP specification has no "cross support" for anything else. In fact, I've never heard of any widely-used messaging protocol with "cross support" for anything else.
That said, many message brokers support multiple messaging protocols (e.g. ActiveMQ supports STOMP, AMQP, MQTT - all of which can be used over WebSockets) so you can send messages with one protocol and consume them with another protocol. However, I don't know of any widely-used message brokers which support WAMP.