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WalletBalance.tsx Token Balance Returns : undefined

I've been completing the full-stack-defi course and when I use the useTokenBalance function from usedapp/core I get returned nothing, I don't know where I've went wrong because I've when I console.log the address and the account variables it returns with the correct account address and the correct token address. enter image description here

Here's the typescript here:

import {useEthers, useTokenBalance} from "@usedapp/core"
import {formatUnits} from "@ethersproject/units"

export interface WalletBalanceProps {
    token: Token

export const WalletBalance = ({token}: WalletBalanceProps) => {
    const {image, address, name} = token
    const {account} = useEthers()
    const tokenBalance = useTokenBalance(address, account)
    const formattedTokenBalance: number = tokenBalance ? parseFloat(formatUnits(tokenBalance, 18)) : 0
    return (<div>{formattedTokenBalance}</div>)

I thought this could be an error with @usedapp/core but I reinstalled @usedapp/core and I'm still getting the same error returned. Any help would be useful :)


  • You should try to change the config settings in App.tsx

    import { DAppProvider, Config, Kovan } from "@usedapp/core"
    import { Header } from "./components/Header";
    import Container from "@mui/material/Container"
    import { Main } from "./components/Main";
    import { getDefaultProvider } from 'ethers'
    const config: Config = {
      readOnlyChainId: Kovan.chainId,
      readOnlyUrls: {
        [Kovan.chainId]: getDefaultProvider('kovan'),
    function App() {
      return (
        <DAppProvider config={config} >
          <Container maxWidth="md">
            <div className="App">
              <Main />
    export default App;