I'm trying to minify HTML with Gulp to remove all line breaks and white space so the entire code content resides on one line only and with no redundant whitespace like tabs and spaces, including in embedded JavaScript and CSS.
I've tried gulp-minify, but I do not see the output or compression options for that, which leaves me cross-eyed. I thought that was one of the common functions of minification. This beautifier/minifier does precisely what I need via its minify button, but I need that functionality via Gulp.
Ok I'm going insane. Thanks in advance.
const gulp = require("gulp");
const minHTML = require('gulp-htmlmin');
gulp.task("htmlMin", function () {
return (
.pipe(minHTML({ collapseWhitespace: true }))
exports.default = gulp.series("htmlMin");
And run it with just gulp
at the command line.
Using gulp-htmlmin as suggested by @Cully in the comments, and I already had.
~/replace ==> gulp
[01:23:36] Using gulpfile ~\OneDrive\Test Bed\replace\gulpfile.js
[01:23:36] Starting 'default'...
[01:23:36] Starting 'htmlMin'...
[01:23:36] Finished 'htmlMin' after 127 ms
[01:23:36] Finished 'default' after 132 ms