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Why can't @testing-library/user-event interact with input elements?

i've made a small repo to demontstrate my issue:

i have a few different scenarios here:

  1. html button
  2. div with click handler
  3. checkbox with data-binding that is watched
  4. input that triggers every time its typed into

each of these triggers a fetch request that is handled by msw. i have also setup 2 different DOM environments to run these tests in: jsdom and happy-dom.

only the tests that interact with input elements (checkbox and the text input) fail and the results are consistant across DOM environments.

What is the issue here? is it a bug with @testing-library/user-event? if not, how could one go about fixing this?


  • The issue here is how the component is rendered. More specifically, how it is attached to the document body.

    the original render is as follows:

    const root = document.createElement("div");
    const { queryByText, getByTestId, debug } = render(BaseApp, {
        container: root,
        attachTo: document.body,

    the attachTo property seems to misbehave, but is resovled by doing this instead:

    const root = document.createElement("div");
    const { queryByText, getByTestId } = render(BaseApp, {
        container: root,

    this brings the number of passing tests in this example from 4/8 to 7/8, with only the happy-dom checkbox test failing.