I have the following lines of code in VBA (Excel), successfully generating tasks in MS Project, with the correct outline level established. However, I would like to set the formatting of the 'Name field' of a specific task to be have an underline AND OR be italicized:
Sample Code:
ActiveProject.Tasks.Add ("Enter Task Name #1")
ActiveProject.Tasks ("Enter Task Name #1").OutlineLevel = 1
ActiveProject.Tasks.Add ("Enter Task Name #2")
ActiveProject.Tasks ("Enter Task Name #2").OutlineLevel = 2
ActiveProject.Tasks.Add ("Enter Task Name #3")
ActiveProject.Tasks ("Enter Task Name #3").OutlineLevel = 3
How would I go about setting formatting options to a task that is being imported or selecting the imported task and setting the required formatting?
Once the tasks are entered, use the Find method to select the task and the apply formatting such as FontBold. For example:
Application.Find "Name", "equals", "Enter Task Name #2"
Alternatively, use FontEx which can be used to apply multiple formats at once.