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Cypress data attribute doesn't show up in angular dom

I'm trying to implement Cypress into my angular project with data-cy attributes, but they act very inconsistent. In some places the attribute does show in the dom, but in other places it doesn't.

Example where it doesn't show:

   *ngFor="let opt of question.options"
   []="question.key + '-' + opt.key"

The value attribute does show, so somethings work. I've tried different handles like removing the brackets, removing attr. (but I'm aware this shouldn't work at all), and giving a different value as only a string saying test

Example where it does work:

<fa-icon class="logoutButton" []="'profile-button'"></fa-icon>

Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong?


  • Some of the libraries restrict attributes to their published API's, but you can always use arialabel instead of data-cy since the major libraries will all support screen readers.

    The attribute appears on the outermost element.


    <mat-radio-button ariaLabel="test2" [value]="2">Select me</mat-radio-button>


      class="mat-radio-button mat-accent mat-radio-checked" 



    Reference MatRadioButton

    @Input('aria-label') ariaLabel: string

    Used to set the 'aria-label' attribute on the underlying input element.


    • the HTML attribute has all lowercase chars arialabel even though the input attribute has camel-case

    • aria-label is shown in the docs for use with the decorator @Input('aria-label'), but is not the form to use in the attribute

    enter image description here

    Of course, with ng-for you would use a unique key like ariaLabel="question.key + '-' + opt.key"