Obligatory; I've been away from HTML for a long time and have never really played with javascript seriously. But now I'm trying to make a document that is ment to be opened locally and save "a copy of itself".
<textarea id="inputText" cols=100% rows=20></textarea>
<button onclick="save()" type="button" id="save">Save Changes</button>
function save() {
var a = document.createElement("a");
var breaky = "<br>"
var string1 = "<textarea id="inputText" cols=100% rows=20>"
var string2 = document.getElementById("inputText").value
a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([breaky.concat(string1,string2,"</textarea>",breaky)], {type: "text/plain"}));
a.download = "demo.html";
When I open demo.html it just displays "<br><textarea id="inputText" cols=100% rows=20></textarea><br>"
as plain text and I can't figure out why.
Also... is there a better way of joining strings. I tried just using a + but I couldn't get it to work when joining a var and a "string"?
The problem is, that you "encode" the lesserthan and greaterthan signs. Your output HTML is literally <br><textarea id="inputText"...
You don't have to convert these chars to their HTML entity:
<textarea id="inputText" cols=100% rows=20></textarea>
<button onclick="save()" type="button" id="save">Save Changes</button>
function save() {
var a = document.createElement("a");
var breaky = "<br>"
var string1 = "<textarea id=\"inputText\" cols=100% rows=20>"
var string2 = document.getElementById("inputText").value
a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([string1+string2+"</textarea>"], {type: "text/plain"}));
a.download = "demo.html";
And for the string joining you can use the plus sign as I did.