In DataWeave when using the readUrl() function, I can utilize the {"header":false} option as shown below to give the column as the key and cell as the value in a JSON object:
var myInput = readUrl("classpath://examples/Test.xlsx", "application/xlsx", {"header":false})
A: "A1",
B: "B1",
C: "",
D: "",
E: "E1"
I'm using a REST API call to Salesforce to retrieve an Excel file. Is there a way to apply a similar option of {"header":false}
to be able to provide the content of the Excel file in similar way as JSON above?
Use this mule docs references to see supported read properties.
You can use a transform message and use the same value as shown below
%dw 2.0
input payload application/xlsx header=false
output application/json