I'm using Robot Framework to do some automation work. Think about that I have a JSON file like that.
"Ethernet1/1": {
"port_channel": {
"port_channel_member": false
"counters": {
"rate": {
"load_interval": 300,
"rx": true,
"in_crc_errors": 0,
"Ethernet1/2": {
"port_channel": {
"port_channel_member": false
"counters": {
"rate": {
"load_interval": 300,
"rx": true,
"in_crc_errors": 10,
I want to get two types of parameter. First is "Ethernet1/1" and "Ethernet1/2" ; Second is "0" and "10" which belongs to "in_crc_errors".
Now I can use YamlPath Parse data=${JSON} query=**.in_crc_errors
to get "in_crc_errors"
Output like that {0, 10}
My question is how can I get the parent key "Ethernet1/1" and "Ethernet1/2" as well ?
Expected output like this {Ethernet1/1:0, Ethernet1/2:10}
It's possible you can convert the json to a dictionary and extract the values you need and set them to a new dictionary.
Example code below:
*** Settings ***
Library OperatingSystem
Library Collections
*** Test Cases ***
Extract From Json
# Get Json from File
${json} Get File test.json
# Convert json to dictionary
${data} Evaluate json.loads('''${json}''')
# Init an empty dictionary for extracted values
&{extracted_values_dict} Create Dictionary
FOR ${eth} IN @{data}
# Next we need the data within so we use the ${eth} value as key and lookup the other values within ${data}
${crc_errs} Set Variable ${data}[${eth}][counters][in_crc_errors]
# We can add key "${eth}" and value "${crc_errs}" to the extracted values dict
Set To Dictionary ${extracted_values_dict} ${eth}=${crc_errs}
log to console ${extracted_values_dict}