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BeanIo nested list fixedlength marshal and unmarshal

I can't figure out why nested object aren't clearly parsed from BeanIo.

The parsing is based on "fixedlength", so positional.

Give these pojos:

public class Address {
  private String prov;
  private String city; 


public class Employee { 
    private String firstName; 
    private List<Address> addresses; 
    private String lastName; 

I've made this class to attempt both input and output operations to clearify the problem:

public class BeanioTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Employee emp = new Employee();

        List<Address> addresses = new ArrayList<>();

        Address address1 = new Address();


        Address address2 = new Address();


        String marshalled = marshaller(  emp);

        Employee empUnm = unmarshaller(marshalled);


    public static Employee unmarshaller(String emp) {
        StreamFactory factory = StreamFactory.newInstance();

        StreamBuilder builder = new StreamBuilder("s1")


        Unmarshaller unmarshaller = factory.createUnmarshaller("s1"); 
        Employee unmarshalled = (Employee) unmarshaller.unmarshal(emp); 
        return unmarshalled;     


    public static String marshaller(Employee emp) {

        StreamFactory factory = StreamFactory.newInstance();

        StreamBuilder builder = new StreamBuilder("Tm")


        Marshaller marshaller = factory.createMarshaller("Tm"); 
        String marshalled = marshaller.marshal(emp).toString(); 
        return marshalled;   


Bu the input and output won't take care of nested colletion, console output looks like this:

Joe   Black 
Employee(firstName=Joe, addresses=null, lastName=Black)

I've tested various attempt but can't figure out. Pls point me in the right direction.


  • Please also refer to the Segments section of the BeanIO Reference Guide. It is too much to copy here, but a segment is used to indicate nested objects inside a @Record. To make use of the segments you need to annotate the property List<Address> with the @Segment annotation and specify the collection type in this case. Your Employee class then becomes:

    @Record(minOccurs = 1)
    public class Employee {
      @Field(length = 6)// ,at=1)
      private String firstName;
      @Segment(collection = List.class)
      private List<Address> addresses;
      @Field(length = 6)// at=2)
      private String lastName;

    There are various other attributes you can configure for a segment. See the documentation for more options.

    PS: Not part of the problem, but you probably have a typo in your test code:

      Address address2 = new Address();
      address1.setCity("MILAN"); // I assume you want MILAN to be the city for address2, not address1