Search code examples

Binary Search Implementation in C++

I have written a program which should do the following:

read product item data from an inventory file and add them in a vector object. The program will allow user to view, search and order the product items. The inventory file should be updated after the order of any item.

  • For operation #2 (searching) and #3 (ordering), appropriate messages should be displayed for the input of invalid item name, then program should proceed to process next operation

Expected output:

>: 2
Enter the item name to search: table
table not found.

>: 2
Enter the item name to search: Microwave
Microwave is in stock.
  • For operation #3 (ordering), program should validate the input number of order and make sure there are enough items in the inventory. Otherwise, display error message and skip the ordering –

Expected output:

>: 3
Enter the name of the item: Microwave
Enter the nuber of items: 100
Insufficient inventory.

>: 3
Enter the name of the item: Microwave
Enter the nuber of items: 2
Total cost is $300

>: 3
Enter the name of the item: table
table not found.

but when I try to search for the name of the item by name using binary search, it doesn't give me the result I want, example:


>: 2
Enter the item name to search: Cooking Range
Cooking Range not found.
>: 2
Enter the item name to search: Circular Saw
Circular Saw not found.

This is the file that contains the data:


Dish Washer
20 550.5
75 150
Cooking Range 
50 850
Circular Saw
150 125

And this is the definition of the function I tried to implement to search the items by name:

searchItemByName(vector<Item> items, string searchName)
    int low, high, mid;

    low = 0;
    high = items.size() - 1;
    while (low <= high) {
        mid = (low + high) / 2;

        if (items[mid].getName() == searchName)
            return (mid);
        else if (items[mid].getName() > searchName)
            high = mid - 1;
            low = mid + 1;
    return (-1);

Here is the entire program (I've also added a clearer and broader "description" of what the program should do with some tests.):


  • I checked your GitHub project.

    I think you have to sort data before binary search.

    Current Data in the sample text file list like this:

    Dish Washer
    Cooking Range 
    Circular Saw

    And these are not sorted, so you can not use Binary Search.