I previously asked this question on Apollo’s community chat, but am reposting it here because it wasn’t answered after two weeks.
This question is about the new cache introduced by Apollo 3.0. This update deprecated local queries in favour of “type policies” (or “field policies”), which include several tools for working with the cache, such as a merge
function that can be defined for each GraphQL type to specify how incoming data should be merged with existing data in the cache.
I’m wondering which use cases are better suited for the merge
function, versus writing a precalculated update value via writeQuery
or writeFragment
Let’s say I have an array with objects, and this array is property of another type. For example:
type Person {
hobbies: [Hobby!]!
The application allows me to delete, add, and update elements in this array. Should hobbies
make use of the merge
function? Previously, I wrote this logic in local mutation resolvers, but these have been deprecated. I can easily mimic the old behaviour by defining a function for each of these resolvers, which contains the add/remove/update logic, and uses writeFragment
to store the results.
I can see the benefit of using merge
because (I think) it’s a lower layer of abstraction, but can it be used in the case of incoming hobbies
array? As far as I can see, the way it would work would imply that we’d have to deduce the type of mutation by means of the incoming input. For example:
, because other hobbies may be affected as well, e.g. due to non-overlapping time constraints).This seems less elegant than mirroring the old approach where the new value for hobbies
is calculated before calling writeFragment
Is there a performance benefit to using merge
? Are existing and non-affected items in hobbies
kept in place when using merge
, and overwritten when using writeFragment
? Assuming the newly calculated data passed to writeFragment
contains an array with shallow copies for the unmodified elements.
Thank you very much for clearing this up for me!
In the meantime, I implemented a merge function similar to what’s outlined in the Apollo docs. This function reuses as many items from the existing
array as possible, and takes an item from incoming
otherwise. Equality is checked based on object id
, which is pretty much always present in my app.
The only (minor) downside to this approach seems to be that it doesn’t handle the case where items in an array are being changed, but such manipulations are done in separate mutations that don’t return an array, anyway.
For the sake of posterity, my implementation is as follows:
import type { FieldPolicy, Reference } from '@apollo/client'
* Based on example in Apollo docs
* @see https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/caching/cache-field-behavior/#merging-arrays-of-non-normalized-objects
export const mergeArrayByIdFieldPolicy: FieldPolicy<Reference[]> = {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/default-param-last
merge: (existing = [], incoming = [], { readField, mergeObjects }) => {
const merged = [...incoming]
const existingIds = existing.map((item) => readField<UUID>('id', item))
merged.forEach((item, index) => {
const itemId = readField<UUID>('id', item)
const existingIndex = existingIds.findIndex((id) => id === itemId)
if (existingIndex !== -1) {
merged[index] = mergeObjects(existing[existingIndex], merged[index])
return merged