I am using Microprofile and I have a question. I have an interface with a method inside:
public interface CheckData extends Serializable{
MyObject retrieveData(String name);
This interface is implemented by 2 different classes( Class A and Class B).
In the service class I need to use class A or class B based on a condition.
I did the @Inject of my interface:
public class MyService{
private CheckData checkData;
public Response manageData{
checkData.retrieveData(name) // i needed Class A implementation
checkData.retrieveData(name) // i needed Class B implementation
how do you specify which implementation to use?
I solved it this way. I have created a class with two qualifiers:
public class MyQualifier {
@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD})
public @interface ClassifierOne {
@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.TYPE,ElementType. METHOD})
public @interface ClassifierTwo {
later I added the qualifiers to the classes that implement the interface:
public class A implements CheckData{
public class B implements CheckData{
Finally I injected the interface specifying the qualifier:
private CheckData myClassA;
private CheckData myClassB;
I hope it is correct and can help others.
Thanks to @Turo and @Asif Bhuyan for the support