In newer versions of Unity you can serialize the backing fields of properties via this pattern:
[field: SerializeField]
public Sprite Sprite { get; private set; }
Is there any way to specifically match on properties that have field targeted attributes in the File Layout settings of Rider? I've tried a few different things but none of them seem to result in a match:
<Entry DisplayName="Serialized Properties" Priority="150">
<Kind Is="Autoproperty" />
<Entry DisplayName="Serialized Properties" Priority="150">
<HasAttribute Name="SerializeField"/>
<Kind Is="Autoproperty" />
<Entry DisplayName="Serialized Properties" Priority="150">
<HasAttribute Name="field: SerializeField"/>
<Kind Is="Autoproperty" />
As of Rider 2022.1, the File Layout settings don't have a way of matching an auto property with a field:
targeted attribute - the HasAttribute
element will only match attributes that target the property itself. Here's an issue you can vote for and track: RSRP-488346.