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How to programmatically invoke the Click event handler of a TextBox

I know how to programmatically invoke the event handler of a Button:


I would like to do the same for the Click event handler of a TextBox. The problem is that TextBox does not have a



  • I suggest method extraction (why should we mix UI - windows messages and Business Logic):

    //TODO: put a better name here 
    private void onMyTextBoxClick() {
      //TODO: relevant code here
    private void MyTextBox_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {

    Then you can just call onMyTextBoxClick:

    // Same business logic as if MyTextBox is clicked

    Edit: If you really want EventArgs aruments, just provide them:

    //TODO: put a better name here 
    private void onMyTextBoxClick(TextBox box, EventArgs e) {
      //TODO: relevant code here
    // Default EventArgs
    private void onMyTextBoxClick(TextBox box) {
      onMyTextBoxClick(box, EventArgs.Empty);
    // Both TextBox and EventArgs are default ones
    private void onMyTextBoxClick() {
      onMyTextBoxClick(MyTextBox, EventArgs.Empty);
    private void MyTextBox_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
      onMyTextBoxClick(sender as TextBox, e);


    // Default EventArgs
    // Custom EventArgs
    EventArgs args = ...
    onMyTextBoxClick(myTextBox, args);