I have these example data:
lastName: "dasdasd",
totalAmount: 400,
cartItems: [
color: "Black",
size: "500",
quantity: 2,
cat: "ML",
name: "Tumbler",
price: 200
orderCreatedAt: { seconds: 1647338693, nanoseconds: 319000000 },
Address: "France",
houseNo: "7",
firstName: "Anna",
I wanted to print the first name, last name, houseNo, address, total amount, the cartItems(name and color only), and then the timestamp date of orderCreatedAt
. I recreated this in codesandbox: https://codesandbox.io/s/js-pdf-78272j?file=/src/App.js:184-627
const handlePrint = () => {
const doc = new jsPDF();
doc.text("Order details", 20, 10);
const columns = [
"First Name",
"Last Name",
"House No.",
" Address",
" Cart Items",
"Total Amount",
"Order Created At"
const rows = [];
data.map((item) => rows.push(Object.values(item)));
doc.autoTable(columns, rows);
With these codes, it will print this data. It isn't arranged and then it shows [Object,object]
The reason why it shows [Object,Object] is when you do
data.map((item) => rows.push(Object.values(item)));
You are actually pushing the whole data object without any data transformation, to the rows
array one by one. So on the House No.
column, the [Object,Object] actually represents the cartItems
object, and on the Address
column the [Object,Object] actually is the value of orderCreatedAt
Now the columns
that you defined doesn't align with the data object you have, therefore you need to do some data transformation first. I have edited the codesandbox here for your reference.
Also for the orderCreatedAt
column, I'm guessing you are getting the data from firebase, so you may need to import the Timestamp from the firebase/firestore package to do the conversion, but people also found out you can convert the Timestamp to Date with this formula.
Hope it helps.