I'm trying to test my smart contract in Hardhat, but in order to do so I first need to send some ERC20 tokens to my contract (for this test I'm using USDC).
In my test I've impersonated a USDC whale, but how do I actually transfer the USDC to my contract?
it("USDC test", async function () {
const testContract =
await ethers.getContractFactory("TestContract")
.then(contract => contract.deploy());
await testContract.deployed();
// Impersonate USDC whale
await network.provider.request({
method: "hardhat_impersonateAccount",
const usdcWhale = await ethers.provider.getSigner(USDC_WHALE_ADDRESS);
// Need to transfer USDC from usdcWhale to testContract
To transfer an ERC20 token you first need to deploy the token's main contract. You'll need the tokens contract address as well as the ERC20 ABI.
const USDC_ADDRESS = "0x6262998ced04146fa42253a5c0af90ca02dfd2a3";
const ERC20ABI = require('./ERC20ABI.json');
const provider = ethers.provider;
const USDC = new ethers.Contract(USDC_ADDRESS, ERC20ABI, provider);
Then to transfer 100 USDC from usdcWhale
to testContract
await USDC.connect(usdcWhale).transfer(testContract.address, 100);