I am trying to strip out a couple of matching words from an array of string. Below is the array containing the string
let string = ["select from table order by asc limit 10 no binding"]
I am trying to get rid of any that has order by and limit and its value and preserving the remaining. I have tried the following but none of them are elegant/efficient.
let splitString = string.split(' ');
let str1 = 'limit';
let str2 = 'order';
let str3 = 'by';
let str4 = 'asc';
let str5 = '10';
splitString = splitString.filter(x => x !== str1);
splitString = splitString.filter(x => x !== str2);
splitString = splitString.filter(x => x !== str3);
splitString = splitString.filter(x => x !== str4);
splitString = splitString.filter(x => x !== str5);
Is there a proper way of getting rid of those words from the string? TIA
Make an array or Set of the strings you want to remove, then filter by whether the word being iterated over is in the Set.
const input = ["select from table order by asc limit 10 no binding"]
const wordsToExclude = new Set(['limit', 'order', 'by', 'asc', '10']);
const words = input[0].split(' ').filter(word => !wordsToExclude.has(word));
If you don't actually want to remove all of those words, but only such a sequence, use a regular expression to match limit
until you come across numbers.
const input = ["select from table order by asc limit 10 no binding"];
const result = input[0].replace(/order\b.*?\d+ /, '');
If additional numbers can come in between the sequence, match limit \d+
at the end, rather than just \d+
const input = ["select from table order by 1 asc limit 33 no binding"];
const result = input[0].replace(/order\b.*?limit \d+ /, '');