I'm trying to use forEach
inside a .map
to change all the isChecked
property in the checkedState
variable according to data
variable. but somehow it only changes the last row. what am I doing wrong? any help is appreciated
this is my code
const listHari = [
{ nama: "senin", nomor: 1, isChecked: false },
{ nama: "selasa", nomor: 2, isChecked: false },
{ nama: "rabu", nomor: 3, isChecked: false },
{ nama: "kamis", nomor: 4, isChecked: false },
{ nama: "jumat", nomor: 5, isChecked: false },
{ nama: "sabtu", nomor: 6, isChecked: false },
{ nama: "minggu", nomor: 7, isChecked: false },
const AddRute = () => {
const [checkedState, setCheckedState] = useState(listHari);
const getRuteById = async () => {
const data = [
{id: "2", nama: "selasa", hari: "2"},
{id: "4", nama: "kamis", hari: "4"},
{id: "5", nama: "jumat", hari: "5"}
const tmp1 = checkedState.map((item, index) => {
console.log("index", index);
data.forEach(function (row) {
const rowHari = row.hari - 1;
if (index === rowHari) {
item.isChecked = true;
} else {
item.isChecked = false;
console.log("hari", rowHari, item.isChecked);
// console.log('ischecked', item.isChecked);
return item;
console.log("temp", tmp1); // ==> in tmp1, only the 5th item has isChecked true
Remove this else part:
else {
item.isChecked = false;