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WebStorm 2020 ESLint: TypeError: this.CliEngine is not a constructor

My configuration is WebStorm 2020.2.3, ESLint 8.11.0, Node.js v16.14.2.

Getting the ESLint: TypeError: this.CliEngine is not a constructor error while opening .js files: enter image description here

Searching for WebStorm ESLint: TypeError: this.CliEngine is not a constructor on Google and StackOverflow, and going through answers people give, such as manually editing lines in Webstorm did not help me to solve this issue on this version of WebStorm - 2020.2.3.

This question is not a duplicate of WebStorm 2018.1.4 + ESLint: TypeError: this.CliEngine is not a constructor. Different version of the IDE and the bug is different in a different place, the code in the file is different.


  • ESLint 8 is supported since 2021.2.2, see WEB-52236; please consider updating the IDE