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Flatpicker check in check out

I am trying one of the example given in flatpickr which is Check in check out. The example is working fine but when I use same syntax in the local machine it is not working like check-out date is able to select the previous date of check-in date.

var check_in = document.getElementById("check_in_date").flatpickr({
    altInput: true,
    altFormat: "F j Y",
    minDate: new Date()
var check_out = document.getElementById("check_out_date").flatpickr({
    altInput: true,
    altFormat: "F j Y",
    minDate: new Date()

check_in.config.onChange = function(dateObj) {
    check_out.set("minDate", dateObj.fp_incr(1));
check_out.config.onChange = function(dateObj) {
    check_in.set("maxDate", dateObj.fp_incr(-1));


  • This is working

    check_in_date = flatpickr("#check_in_date", {
        onChange: function(selectedDates, dateStr, instance) {
            check_out_date.set('minDate', selectedDates[0]);
    check_out_date = flatpickr("#check_out_date", {});
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet"/>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <input type="text" id="check_in_date" name="checkin">
    <input type="text" id="check_out_date" name="checkin">