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Colored polygon outlines displayed as just all white opaque polygons

Someone shared a kml with me that was created in Google Earth Web along with a screenshot of it.

When I opened it up in Google Earth Pro, the colored polygons displayed as solid white.

For a test, I created a test polygon in Google Earth Web and exported it as KML.

  1. Projects > New project > Create KML file
  2. Draw line or shape > create polygon
  3. Set fill color red at 75%
  4. Set color 4px
  5. Select export as KML

Same thing, the polygon shows up as a white box in Google Earth Pro.

The exported KML is structured like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns= xmlns:gx= xmlns:kml= xmlns:atom=>
        <name>Untitled Project</name>
        <gx:CascadingStyle kml:id="__managed_style_147D324643211BD21CEE">
                                 <hotSpot x="64" y="128" xunits="pixels" yunits="insetPixels"/>
        <StyleMap id="__managed_style_0C1991940B211BD21CEE">
        <Placemark id="09A507D5E3211BD1D53F">
            <name>Test Polygon</name>
                                                                                                0.0287244781654028,51.5286273373769,4.888032506075639 0.03124375777183053,51.52899071640604,5.649232085770059 0.03060716674301966,51.5305703663013,6.296306355936279 0.02835525808849049,51.53027540191405,5.649128389213159 0.0287244781654028,51.5286273373769,4.888032506075639 

The <gx:CascadingStyle> does not appear in the KML reference.

What is going on here?

i am expecting the original colored polygon to appear in Google Earth Pro.


  • The <gx:CascadingStyle> is an undocumented element that is created in Google Earth Web that is unsupported by Google Earth Pro.

    If you make a minor edit to the KML, then it will work as expected.

    Make these changes:

    1. Remove <Style> and </Style> elements.
    2. Globally change <gx:CascadingStyle kml:id="xxx"> to <Style id="xxx">.
      Replace <gx:CascadingStyle kml:id= with <Style id=
    3. Replace </gx:CascadingStyle> with</Style>



        <gx:CascadingStyle kml:id="__managed_style_147D324643211BD21CEE">


        <Style id="__managed_style_147D324643211BD21CEE">

    You can globally make the changes to the KML using a text editor; e.g. Notepad++.

    The KML is now valid with respect to the OGC KML 2.2 standard and will work in Google Earth Pro.