We are attempting to use KeycloakOIDCFilter
as our Apache Spark UI filter. However, we are struggling to configure the KeycloakOIDCFilter
We have, in spark-defaults.conf:
This is picked up successfully, and the Spark master logs show this filter being applied to all URL routes.
We have generated a client config file in the Keycloak Admin Console, which has spit out a keycloak-oidc.json
But how do we tell KeycloakOIDCFilter
about this information?
From the Spark docs
Filter parameters can also be specified in the configuration, by setting config entries of the form
spark.<class name of filter>.param.<param name>=<value>
For example:spark.ui.filters=com.test.filter1 spark.com.test.filter1.param.name1=foo spark.com.test.filter1.param.name2=bar
In our case that would seem to be:
However, the KeycloakOIDCFilter Java class has only two constructors. One takes no parameters at all and one takes a KeycloakConfigResolver
The Keycloak Java servlet filter adapter docs only talk about web.xml
which isn't applicable in the case of configuring Spark.
So how can we properly configure/point to parameters for the KeycloakOIDCFilter
servlet filter?
Update: We've determined that spark.org.keycloak.adapters.servlet.KeycloakOIDCFilter.param.keycloak.config.file
can be used to point to a config file, but it appears that Spark does not use SessionManager, leading to a separate error that may or may not be resolvable.
I haven't tested the solution but, according to the Keycloak and Spark documentation you cited, and the source code of KeycloakOIDCFilter, assuming you are using a file in your filesystem, the following configuration could work:
Or this other one if your config is accesible as a web app resource, through getServletContext().getResourceAsStream(...)
, instead of a file:
Please, note that they indicate that filters parameters can also be specified in the configuration: afaik, it doesn't mean that the filter should have any special constructor or something similar.
This configuration is performed by the addFilters
* Add filters, if any, to the given ServletContextHandlers. Always adds a filter at the end
* of the chain to perform security-related functions.
private def addFilters(handler: ServletContextHandler, securityMgr: SecurityManager): Unit = {
conf.get(UI_FILTERS).foreach { filter =>
logInfo(s"Adding filter to ${handler.getContextPath()}: $filter")
val oldParams = conf.getOption(s"spark.$filter.params").toSeq
.flatMap { param =>
val parts = param.split("=")
if (parts.length == 2) Some(parts(0) -> parts(1)) else None
val newParams = conf.getAllWithPrefix(s"spark.$filter.param.").toMap
JettyUtils.addFilter(handler, filter, oldParams ++ newParams)
and addFilter:
def addFilter(
handler: ServletContextHandler,
filter: String,
params: Map[String, String]): Unit = {
val holder = new FilterHolder()
params.foreach { case (k, v) => holder.setInitParameter(k, v) }
handler.addFilter(holder, "/*", EnumSet.allOf(classOf[DispatcherType]))
methods in the JettyUtils
class in the source code of Spark UI.