I'm new to Ez Publish. I need to know if the Ez Publish is like Joomla and is completely free or is a commercial open source application. It is possible to use Ez Publish without paying any fees?
PS: I don't know if this is the place to ask this question.
Best Regards,
Short answer :
4.5 is the Enterprise Edition of eZ Publish, also called Matterhorn and is not free.
Long answer :
2011.x is the Community Project version and has the same development base because eZ Systems engineers works and commits their work on the same master branch : https://github.com/ezsystems/ezpublish
The versions of the Community Project that you are able to download are snapshots taken from the master branch, and packaged using the same continuous integration tools used by eZ Systems for the Enterprise Edition.
The short story : eZ Systems was used to provide consulting and support services aside eZ Publish but to make it more clear for decision takers, this package (software code source & services) is now called Enterprise Edition. Nothing has really changed, only naming convention, and last but not least, innovation and contribution is now more easy than before.